Wednesday, February 8, 2017

♥♥ the top ten rules of writing ♥♥

If you didn't know, i am a creative writing major at my school. I'm taught lessons about grammar and writing in the real world. Although these courses are essential in understanding the fundamentals of becoming an artist of literature, there are more subtle rules given to us by published and successful writers.

Two of the most basic things that new writers must understand is, "Never Use a Long Word When a Short One Will Do." and "Read A Lot." These are important because they are so basic. Starting out, some may think that big words means that they are smarter, whether or not they truly understand the meaning of it. You'll want to use extravagant instead of grand, unfathomable instead of unbelievable. You must understand your audience because these words may just add unnecessary flare and confuse your readers.

Reading is also needed when you're a writer. Reading your work after a few pages of writing can save yourself from errors and punctuation errors. Reading doesn't just apply to your own work, reading other author's writing can be beneficial since it might give you examples to implement into your own writing. Examples as in sentence structure or topics, not the full blown story in another way of saying it. Plagiarism is bad, kids.

There was like 8 other ones that were in the list that were given out by writers but I feel like these 2 are required before going on.

Now, let's talk about my favorite subject, Me. Thank you, thank you. I might sound like a hypocrite for talking about other people reading and how important it is, yet I haven't voluntarily read a book in about 3 years. It's pretty much my fault, but it's also the non diverse stories in the young adult category. It's all just, pretty and skinny white girl has powers and she's clumsy. She get's caught in a love triangle and has to save the world in some way. (Looking at you, The Fifth Wave.) I feel like one of the best authors writing for a younger audience is John Green. Author of The Fault in Our Stars and Paper Towns, I actually enjoyed both the movie and the book. These narratives offer a new perspective to life; a cancer patient, a loser waiting for a miracle. Maybe the side characters might be a little one dimensional (The horny boy from Paper Towns) but overall, the stories are good. This section kind of went off track, but hey, I need to practice more on reading books.

On the outside, I might seem like this fruity little asian boy who likes making memes and jokes, but I actually do have a passion for writing. There's just something captivating about text that can't be put into words. (maybe its the other way around idk) So yeah, read more, humble yourself.

xoxo gossip girl

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