Tuesday, March 7, 2017

♥♥Dandelion Wine♥♥

dandelion wine is gr8

Dandelion Wine is a novel written by Ray Bradbury, an author known for many works in fiction. This particular novel is set in Green Town, Illinois, 1928. It follows a sort of "alter ego" based on Ray Bradbury himself, Douglas Spaulding. Douglas sees the world with an optimistic and naive outlook on the world. Summers for children is usually just sweating, air conditioned rooms, video games, and sticky hands from melting ice cream. Ray Bradbury truly captures being a simple kid again in the summer of 1928 through evocative language and vivid story telling.

Dandelion Wine's stronger traits include its language, imagery. Ray Bradbury is a very unique writer in terms of being able to do these things and format it into a story. Dandelion Wine also amazingly includes an interesting cast of characters to enjoy, from a lurking and menacing murderer, to a seemingly enchanted woman. Another thing that can be enjoyed is the book's philosophy on life and death and being a human. Someone in the beginning of the book, Douglas comes to an epiphany that he is really here, living on Earth. Heart beating, lungs expanding and contracting, lying in the flowing grass.

Like anything in this world, Dandelion Wine has its flaws. They include; lack of strong plot line, some one dimensional characters, and a story that becomes a little confusing at times. The book jumps from character to character, scene to scene in a matter of pages. It becomes difficult to truly commit yourself to be invested in it.

Remember that this is simply opinion and can be trivialized by others. Maybe this is kind of biased because this book was written in like, 1950, and I'm a teen who just needs action all the time. It also isn't really something I would pick up at the library, not like the 50 Young Adult books in one aisle that are pretty much follow the same archetypes and story.

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